Candidate Services

  • Career Counseling: Offering guidance on career paths and job market trends.

    Skill Assessment: Evaluating the candidate’s skills, qualifications, and career goals to identify suitable roles.

  • Job Applications: Assisting candidates in applying for jobs, ensuring their applications are complete and compelling.

    Follow-Up: Advising on appropriate follow-up actions after submitting job applications.

  • Mock Interviews: Conducting practice interviews to help candidates prepare for real ones.

    Interview Tips: Providing advice on how to dress, respond to questions, and handle different interview formats (e.g., phone, video, in-person).

  • Salary Negotiation: Advising candidates on how to negotiate salary and benefits packages.

    Contract Review: Assisting in understanding and reviewing employment contracts.

  • Professional Development: Offering resources and advice on continuous learning and career advancement.

    Promotion Strategies: Guiding candidates on how to position themselves for promotions and career growth within an organization.